PowerCenter: Developer, Level 2

Training Overview

This training applies to the software version 10. Explore Informatica PowerCenter 10.0.0, including server & client workbench tools that are used by Developers to create, execute, monitor, & schedule ETL processes. Work through the PowerCenter Designer, Workflow Manager, & Workflow Monitor tools while performing tasks like creating source & target definitions, transformations, mappings, reusable objects, sessions, & workflows to extract, transform & load data.


PowerCenter: Data Integration for Developers (Instructor Led)

Audience profile


Learning Objectives

After successfully completing this training, professionals should be able to:

  • Understand the Informatica PowerCenter architecture
  • Determine the structure & use of PowerCenter Parameter Files
  • Implement user-defined & advanced functions.
  • Using PowerCenter to Normalize & Denormalize data.
  • Using the Lookup transformation in Dynamic mode.
  • Calling a SQL stored procedure from a PowerCenter mapping.
  • Creating & configure a SQL transformation & its two modes of use
  • Design error-handling strategies appropriate for the intended purpose of a workflow
  • Make use of the PowerCenter source-based, target-based, & user-based transaction control.
  • Utilizing constraint-based loading in databases with referential integrity constraints
  • Using the Transaction Control transformation for data-driven RDBMS transaction control.
  • Determine the proper use of built-in & optional mapping-design recovery capabilities
  • Build batch files that use PMCMD & PMREP command line programs
  • Applying PowerCenter Performance Tuning Methodology
  • Defining the effect of mapping design on performance & apply these design principles to a mapping
  • Calculate how much memory a session uses & tune session-level memory. Apply partitions, distribute the data, & optimize the CPU memory usage

Content Outline

  • Describing the components of the Informatica PowerCenter 10 architecture & define key terms
  • Describe PowerCenter's optional & built-in high-availability features
  • Ascertain the use of the IsExprVar property in mapping.
  • Determining the structure of a parameter file.
  • Establishing the use of parameter files in mappings & sessions
  • Describing the flexibility to use parameter files to build mapping expression logic.
  • Describing the use of a date/time mapping variable in a parameter file for incremental loading
  • Describe & implement advanced functions
  • Describing User-Defined functions
  • Creating a public, User-Defined Function to create a standard name formatting function & implement the UDF in the mapping.
  • Use the AES_Encrypt & Encode functions to encrypt & encode customer data before writing it to a flat file.
  • Debug the mapping using an existing session & observe the outcome
  • Describing the use of a Normalizer transformation to normalize data
  • Describing the use of an Aggregator to denormalize data
  • Normalizing data into a relational table
  • Denormalizing data into a Fact table.
  • Defining Dynamic Lookup
  • Describing the Dynamic Lookup Cache
  • Using a Dynamic Lookup to load data into a dimension table.
  • Using a Dynamic Lookup in tandem with an Update Strategy transformation to keep historical data in a dimension table.
  • Calling a SQL stored procedure from a PowerCenter mapping
  • Creating & configure a SQL transformation in script mode.
  • Creating & configuring a SQL transformation in query mode.
  • Using a SQL transformation to create tables on an "as needed" basis.
  • Entering a properly formatted query into a SQL transformation.
  • Locate database errors in the resulting output of a SQL transformation.
  • Design error-handling strategies appropriate for the intended purpose of a workflow
  • Identify data errors & load them to an error table.
  • Describe Update Strategies
  • Describe PowerCenter source-based, target-based, & user-based transaction control with & without the high availability option
  • Describing constraint-based loading in databases with referential integrity constraints
  • Loading data to a set of tables with the RDBMS Primary-Foreign key relationship
  • Describing the use of the transaction control transformation for data-driven transaction control
  • Controlling when the data is committed to disk or the target database
  • Using a transformation variable to make a flag determining when to commit data to the RDBMS based on data values
  • Describe workflow & task recovery with & without the high availability option
  • Recover tasks & workflows that stop, abort, or terminate
  • Verifying workflow recovery works in a consistent, reliable manner.
  • Describing PMCMD, PMREP, & INFACMD command line functionality
  • Build batch files that use PMCMD & PMREP command line programs
  • Using the command line utilities to execute a variety of platform status, query, object export, & workflow tasks
  • Isolate source, target & engine bottlenecks
  • Interpreting the performance counters
  • Tuning different types of bottlenecks
  • Running a benchmark test
  • Running a target bottleneck test
  • Evaluating the results
  • Applying best practices in your mappings to optimize performance
  • Locating session properties that can unnecessarily lower performance.
  • Inspecting & edit mappings for optimal performance design.
  • Inspect & edit transformations for optimal performance design
  • Tuning session-level memory
  • Tuning transformation caches
  • Calculating how much memory a session uses
  • Becoming familiar with PowerCenter Performance Counters
  • Editing session memory limits
  • Editing transformation cache memory properties
  • Calculating memory cache sizes for transformations
  • Applying partition points to efficiently utilize your CPU
  • To efficiently utilize your CPU, you must partition your data
  • Distributing your partitioned data to preserve functionality while optimizing your CPU
  • Optimizing your memory usage according to your partitioning strategy


A: Improved administrator experience, improved performance, built-in intelligence, code integration with external software configuration tools, etc., are some of the new features of Power Center 10.

A: By doing this training, you will learn advanced functions & techniques of Power Center 10. This training teaches you transformation & transection control & for an optimized power center environment; you will learn performance tuning & troubleshoot.

A: In Mapping, Source Qualifier Transformation is used whenever a user adds relational flat files; it is automatically created. It is an active & connected transformation that represents those rows that are easily read by the integration service.

A: Informatica has the great feature of Grid Computing that can be utilized for a large amount of data scalability to the performance. The grid feature is useful for load balancing & parallel processing.

A: Radiant has highly intensive selection criteria for Technology Trainers & Consultants who deliver training programs. Our trainers & consultants undergo rigorous technical & behavioral interviews & assessment processes before they are onboarded in the company.

Our Technology experts/trainers & consultants carry deep-dive knowledge in the technical subject & are certified by the OEM.

Our training programs are practically oriented with 70% – 80% hands-on training technology tools. Our training program focuses on one-on-one interaction with each participant, the latest content in the curriculum, real-time projects & case studies during the training program.

Our faculty will provide you the knowledge of each training from a fundamental level in an easy way & you are free to ask your doubts any time from your respective faculty.

Our trainers have patience & ability to explain difficult concepts in a simplistic way with depth & width of knowledge.

To ensure quality learning, we provide support sessions even after the training program.

A: Radiant Techlearning offers a training program on weekdays, weekends & a combination of weekdays & weekends. You can always choose the schedule that best suits your need.

A: We would always recommend you attend the live session to practice & clarify the doubts instantly & get more value from your investment. However, due to some contingency, you have to skip the class; Radiant Techlearning will help you with the recorded session of that particular day. However, those recorded sessions are not meant only for personal consumption & NOT for distribution or any commercial use.

A: Radiant Techlearning has a data center containing the Virtual Training environment for the purpose of participant hand-on-practice. 

Participants can easily access these labs over Cloud with the help of a remote desktop connection. 

Radiant virtual labs provide you the flexibility to learn from anywhere in the world & in any time zone. 

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