DF400: Production-Ready Development

Course Overview

This training day covers topics distinguishing between an application being fit for production. What must a developer do to ensure their application is secure, ensure it is highly available and protects data, and ensure it will scale when required in the future?



 This course has the following prerequisites:

  • DF100: MongoDB Developer Fundamentals
  • DF200: Optimizing Storage and Retrieval
  • DF300: Design Skills and Advanced Features

Audience Profile

  • Developers

Learning Objectives:

On completion of this training day, you will be able to evaluate and make vital deployment

decisions required when building business-critical, highly available, and secure applications. Lack of developer awareness in these areas frequently leads to severe production deployment gaps cited by MongoDB consultants, resulting in last-minute rework before go-live. Using this knowledge gets you ahead of the game.


Content Outline

  • Reasons to replicate data
  • Components of a replica set
  • Drivers and replica sets
  • The concept of the majority
  • Elections simplified
  • Failure modes *
  • Write Concern *
  • The Majority Commit Point
  • Read Concern
  • Read Preference
  • What is sharding?
  • Horizontal versus vertical scaling
  • When to shard
  • Sharding infrastructure
  • Shard keys *
  • How sharding works
  • Reads / Writes / Chunks
  • Sharding in slow motion
  • Sharding pitfalls
  • A cautionary tale
  • Managed sharding technique
  • Computed keys
  • Presplitting
  • Scaling out
  • Introduction to keys and PKI *
  • Authentication models
  • Authorization
  • Roles
  • LDAP
  • Encryption
  • In-flight
  • At rest
  • In use
  • Auditing
  • Additional security measures


This training day covers topics that distinguish between an application being fit for production or not. What must a developer do to ensure their application is secure, ensure it is highly available and protects data, and ensure it will scale when required in the future?


Sharding is a method for distributing a single dataset across multiple databases, which can be stored on various machines. This allows larger datasets to be split into smaller chunks and stored in various data nodes, increasing the system's total storage capacity.


This course has the following prerequisites:

  • DF100: MongoDB Developer Fundamentals
  • DF200: Optimizing Storage and Retrieval
  • DF300: Design Skills and Advanced Features

SQL databases store structured data, while NoSQL databases like MongoDB are used to save unstructured data. MongoDB is used to protect unstructured data in JSON format. MongoDB does not support advanced analytics and joins as SQL databases support it.


To attend the training session, you should have operational Desktops or Laptops with the required specification and a good internet connection to access the labs. 


 Technical issues are unpredictable and might occur with you as well. Participants must ensure that they have the system with the required configuration and good internet speed to access online labs.

If the problem persists or you face any challenge during the class, you can report it to us or your trainer. In that case, Radiant would provide you with the recorded session of that particular day. However, those recorded sessions are not meant only for personal consumption and NOT for distribution or any commercial use.


Radiant Techlearning offers training programs on weekdays, weekends, and a combination of weekdays and weekends. You can always choose the schedule that best suits your need.


Once we receive your enrollment request, we will share the enrollment details with you to select and complete the enrollment process.

You can email us at the below email address (whichever is applicable) to know the upcoming schedule for a specific technology training program.

Individual:  training@radianttechlearning.com

Corporate: Corporate@radiantechlearning.com



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