

Basic Understanding of Linux and Unix commands

Learning Objective

This training program will help participants to learn :This Devops Training will help in understanding of Devops Culture as part of Complete SDLC cycle.This Training will help in Understanding of below  
Version control System :Git ,
CI/CD: Jenkins , 
Containernization : Docker and Kubernetes
Configuration Management : Ansible
InfraStructure as Code : Terraform
Monitoring : Prometheus and Grafana

Content Outline

Introduction to Devops, Benefits of working in Devops culture ,Devops in SDLC lifecycle, Devops Stages

Version Control , Git introduction , Git installation , Hands on Git

Installation of Jekins , Hands on CI/CD Jekins Pipeline

Git , Jenkins and Maven Integrations Hands-on

Intrduction to configuration Management , Introduction to Ansible , Ansible Architecture , Inventory management , Ansible Modules , Ad-hoc commands Ansible Playbooks , Ansible Roles

containerization, Namespaces, Docker, Docker Architecture,Container Lifecycle,Docker CLI, Port Binding, Detached and Foreground Mode,Dockerfile,Dockerfile Instructions,Docker Image

Docker Registry,Container Storage,Volumes,Docker Swarm

Introduction to Container Orchestration,
Kubernetes Core Concepts,
Understanding Pods,
ReplicaSet and Replication Controller,
Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
Scaling Application

Introduction to Terraform
Terraform vs Ansible
Terraform Architecture
Terraform Configuration
Terraform Common Commands
Managing Terraform Resources
Terraform State
Terraform Project

Introduction to Prometheus and Grafana
Prometheus and Grafana Setup
Monitoring using Prometheus
Dashboard Visualization using Grafana
Creating a Dashboard to monitor the Pipeline

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