You will learn about the particular difficulties of auditing the Cloud, how to ensure the proper safeguards for privacy, integrity, and accessibility, and how to reduce the risks and expenses associated with audit management and non-compliance.
The five primary areas of focus covered by the CCAK course are as follows:
Understanding of the Cloud, cloud security, and some fundamentals of IT risk and audit. To CCSK or CISA, CCAK is the ideal complement.
Following this training, you will be capable of the following:
A cloud audit is a periodic examination an organization does to assess and document its cloud vendor's performance. The goal of such audit is to see how well a cloud vendor is doing in meeting a set of established controls and best practices.
The internal audit role in cloud computing
Through its key role as assurance provider, internal audit (IA) is well positioned to help management as well as the Board identify key risks related to Cloud. IA can assist the business in determining whether those risks are being appropriately mitigated.
The three key areas of auditing are change control process, operation visibility, & incident response
Cloud, Clusters, Containers, and Code are the four pillars of cloud native security. Note: The defence in depth computing approach to security, which is widely considered as a best practise for protecting software systems, is supplemented by this layered strategy.
A: To attend the training session you should have an operational Desktops or Laptops with required specification along with good internet connection to access the labs.
A: We would always recommend you to attend the live session to practice & clarify the doubts instantly and get more value from your investment. However, if due to some contingency if you have to skip the class Radiant Techlearning would help you with the recorded session of that particular day. However, those recorded sessions are not meant only for personal consumption and NOT for distribution or any commercial use.
A: Radiant Techlearning has a data center containing the Virtual Training environment for the purpose of participant’s hand-on-practice.
Participants can easily access these labs over Cloud with the help of remote desktop connection.
Radiant virtual labs provides you the flexibility to learn from anywhere in the world and in any time zone.
A: The learners will be enthralled as we engage them the real world and industry Oriented projects during the training program. These projects will improve your skills and knowledge and you will gain better experience. These real time projects, they will help you a lot in your future tasks and assignments.