IICS: Cloud Data Integration Services

Training Overview

Understand the fundamentals of Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS), including the architecture & data integration features, synchronization tasks, cloud mapping designer, masking tasks, & replication tasks. This training enables you to operate & manage user security, secure agents, & monitor tasks & resources in IICS. This training applies to Release 41.


  • Developer
  • Operator

Audience Profile

  • Developer
  • Operator

Learning Objectives

After completing this training, professionals should be able to:

  • Describe Informatica Cloud Architecture
  • Install the secure agent & create connections
  • Create Synchronization task
  • Create a Data Transfer task
  • Use Cloud Mapping Designer to create Mappings & Mapping Tasks
  • Creating a Replication task
  • Creating a Masking task
  • Creating Mass Ingestion task
  • Creating Taskflows
  • Using the IICS REST web services for data integration
  • Use Intelligent Structure Model to parse data
  • Handle exceptions
  • Use advanced data integration features to optimize the performance of jobs
  • Automate & monitor tasks
  • Configure advanced administration settings in IICS
  • Distinguish users & groups
  • Configure custom roles in IICS
  • Asset Management

Content Outline

  • Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) as an iPaaS solution
  • Informatica Cloud Terminologies
  • Informatica Cloud Architecture
  • CDI Assets
  • CDI Components


  • Navigating the IICS interface
  • Runtime Environments
  • Secure Agent Architecture
  • Secure Agent Status
  • Configuring Firewall for Secure Agent
  • Elastic Server
  • Secure Agent Services
  • IICS Log Files
  • Connections
  • Connection Types
  • Creating Connections


  • Installing IICS Secure Agent
  • Creating a Salesforce connection
  • Creating a Flat File connection
  • Create SQL Server connection
  • Synchronization Task Overview
  • Synchronization Task – Definition Step
  • Synchronization Task – Source Step
  • Synchronization Task – Target Step
  • Synchronization Task – Data Filters Step
  • Synchronization Task – Field Mapping Step
  • Synchronization Task – Schedule Step
  • Data transfer tasks Overview
  • Data transfer tasks – Source & Target
  • Activity Monitor


  • Creating a Synchronization Task
  • Using Filter, Expression & Lookup in a Synchronization Task
  • Cloud Mapping Designer Overview
  • Mapping Designer Terminologies
  • CLAIRE Transformation Recommendations
  • Copying Transformation
  • Mapping Data Preview
  • Customizing Mapping Preview
  • Field Rules
  • Best Practices for Creating Mappings
  • Data flow run order
  • Mapping Task
  • Dynamic Schema Change
  • Deploy mapping updates
  • Source Transformation
  • Target Transformation
  • Filter Transformation
  • Joiner Transformation
  • Expression Transformation
  • Lookup Transformation
  • Union Transformation
  • Mapplets
  • SQL Transformation
  • Aggregator Transformation
  • Normalizer Transformation
  • Rank Transformation
  • Data Masking Transformation
  • Java Transformation
  • Lab: Using Query in a Mapping
  • Lab: Using Normalizer, Aggregator, & Rank transformations in a mapping


  • Using Unconnected Lookup transformation in a mapping
  • Using Mapplet change in a mapping
  • Parameterization use cases
  • Adding Parameters to a Mapping
  • Creating parameters
  • Parameter Types
  • Using parameter files
  • In-Out Parameter in Mapplet
  • Parameter File Directory
  • Parameter Best Practices


  • Performing Complete Parameterization
  • Using Parameter File in a Mapping task
  • Using In-Out parameters for incremental data loading
  • Expression Macro
  • Dynamic Linking


  • Using Expression Macro in a mapping
  • Using Dynamic Linking in a mapping
  • Replication Task Overview
  • Replication Task Features
  • Replication Task: Source & Target Options
  • Other Replication Task Options
  • Resetting the Target Table
  • Generating Non-Unique Index
  • Appendix: Replicating Data to a Flat file
  • Masking Task Overview
  • Masking Task: Source & Target Options
  • Data Subset: Row Limits & Data Filters
  • Field Masking Rules
  • Masking Rule Types
  • Refresh Masking Task metadata
  • Reset a Masking Task
  • Masking Best Practices
  • Appendix: Creating a Masking Task
  • Mass Ingestion Task Overview
  • Functionalities
  • Configuring a Mass Ingestion Task
  • File Ingestion Task
  • Database Ingestion Task
  • Streaming Ingestion Task


  • Creating a Streaming Ingestion Task
  • Task flow overview
  • Linear Taskflows
  • File Listener Enhancements
  • Task flow Steps
  • Task flow Templates
  • Parameters in Taskflow
  • Using REST APIs
  • File Listener
  • Invoke a Taskflow through a File Listener


  • Passing in-out parameters in a task flow
  •  Invoking a Taskflow through a File Listener
  • Web Service transformation
  • REST V2 Connector
  • Hierarchical Schemas
  • Hierarchy Parser Transformation
  • Hierarchy Builder Transformation


  •  Creating a mapping using a REST V2 connector
  •  Using Web Services transformation in a mapping
  • Using Hierarchy Parser & Hierarchy Builder Transformation
  • Intelligent Structure Model
  • Intelligent Structure Discovery Process
  • Intelligent Structure Example
  • Refining a Discovered Structure
  • Editing an Intelligent Structure Model
  • Smart structure models based on an XSD file
  • Using smart structure models in Structure Parser transformation


  • Creating an Intelligent Structure Model
  • Lab: Using Structure Parser transformation in a mapping
  • Primary Key Chunking
  • Lookup SQL Override
  • Partitions Overview
  • Types of Partitions
  • Partitioning Rules & Guidelines
  • Pushdown optimization overview
  • Types of pushdown optimization
  • Pushdown optimization user-defined parameters
  • Secure agent groups
  • Shared secure agent groups
  • DTM performance properties
  • Types of exceptions
  • User-defined exceptions
  • Non-fatal exceptions
  • Default Field Value Setting
  • Row Error Logging
  • Error handling settings
  • Fatal exceptions
  • Harmful files or Rejected files


  •  Creating a mapping to handle non-fatal errors
  • Schedules
  • Schedule Repeat Frequency
  • Schedule Blackout Period
  • Schedule Export
  • Monitoring tasks
  • Email Notifications
  • Event Monitoring


  • Creating a schedule
  • Licenses
  • Administrator Service
  • User Roles (System-defined Roles & Custom Roles)
  • Creating a User
  • User Groups
  • User Statistics
  • Permissions
  • Object-Level Permissions
  • Organization Hierarchy
  • Sub-Organization
  • Importing & Exporting the Assets
  • Dependency of assets
  • Add-on Bundles


  • Configure Administrative settings for Informatica Cloud org
  • Creating a sub-organization & importing/exporting assets
  • Managing Assets in Org
  • REST API overview
  • Informatica Cloud REST API
  • REST API Versions
  • Request Header & Request Body configuration
  • Return Lists


  • Running a Mapping task using REST API


A: A system of tools & technologies which is used to connect various systems, applications, repositories & IT environments for real-time exchange of data & processes is called Cloud data integration.

A: Export & import data, extracting transform load, point-to-point integrations & data visualization are some of the data integration approaches.

A: For data integration, Informatica is used. Informatica Power Center offers to connect & fetch data from different sources & process the data. Informatica is an ETL tool, i.e., extract, transform & load tool & it is also used to build an enterprise data warehouse.

A: Informatica has its transformation language & you can use it in your expression & filters. It's easy to learn if you are familiar with any popular programming language.

A: Informatica Cloud is an on-demand subscription that provides users with a complete platform for data management & cloud integration. It's used to create users, configure connections, create, run, schedule & monitor tasks.

A: You can access information from your Informatica intelligent cloud services organizations with the help of Informatica cloud REST API. You can perform functions like create, update, delete & other multiple tasks.

A: Informatica Cloud enables business users to create integration via easy-to-use tools & users can easily create integrations & get faster results.

A: Radiant has highly intensive selection criteria for Technology Trainers & Consultants who deliver training programs. Our trainers & consultants undergo rigorous technical & behavioral interviews & assessment processes before they are onboarded in the company.

Our Technology experts/trainers & consultants carry deep-dive knowledge in the technical subject & are certified by the OEM.

Our training programs are practically oriented with 70% – 80% hands-on training technology tools. Our training program focuses on one-on-one interaction with each participant, the latest content in the curriculum, real-time projects & case studies during the training program.

Our faculty will provide you with the knowledge of each training from the fundamental level in an easy way & you are free to ask your doubts any time from your respective faculty.

Our trainers have patience & ability to explain difficult concepts in a simplistic way with depth & width of knowledge.

To ensure quality learning, we provide a support session even after the training program.

A: Radiant Techlearning offers a training program on weekdays, weekends & a combination of weekdays & weekends. You can always choose the schedule that best suits your need.

A: We would always recommend you attend the live session to practice & clarify the doubts instantly & get more value from your investment. However, if, due to some contingency, you have to skip the class, Radiant Techlearning will help you with the recorded session of that particular day. However, those recorded sessions are not meant only for personal consumption & NOT for distribution or any commercial use.

A: Radiant Techlearning has a data center containing the Virtual Training environment for the purpose of participant hand-on-practice. 

Participants can easily access these labs over Cloud with the help of a remote desktop connection. 

Radiant virtual labs provide you the flexibility to learn from anywhere in the world & in any time zone. 

A: The learners will be enthralled as we engage them the real-world & industry Oriented projects during the training program. These projects will improve your skills & knowledge & you will gain a better experience. These real-time projects will help you a lot in your future tasks & assignments.

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