Certified Cloud-Native Integration with Red Hat Fuse

Course description

Red Hat Fuse is lightweight, based on the Apache Camel project. This flexible integration platform enables rapid integration of cloud-native applications, both on-premise & in the cloud.

Camel development is organized as follows:

  • Routes that defines a sequence or flow of processing.
  • Processors that interpret, transform, & modify messages within a Camel route.
  • A part that makes it possible to build endpoints with the ability to interface with the outside world in order to acquire & transmit data.

Cloud-native Integration with Red Hat Fuse (AD221) emphasizes learning architectural patterns & implementing integration services based on Apache Camel & OpenShift. Camel & Red Hat Fuse enables developers to create complex integrations in a simple & maintainable format. You will learn how to use most of the standard integration components in Camel & develop, test, & deploy integration-focused applications on OpenShift. 


Prerequisites for this course

Taking our free assessment to gauge whether this offering fits your skills best.

Audience Profile

This course is intended for Java developers who want to put integration solutions in place in an organization.


Content Outline

  • Deploy Fuse applications on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platforms
  • Implementing REST APIs with the Camel REST DSL.

Implementing error handling, unit tests, & mocks for Camel routes.

  • Implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) using Camel components.
  • Integrating Camel applications with a database.
  • Integrating Camel applications with Apache Kafka.
  • Integrating Cloud-native services using Camel K.
  • Integrating Cloud-native services using Camel K.
  • Consuming REST services using the Camel HTTP component.


A: Storage configuration, security feature management, task control & installation & deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux are the skills one can develop after this course.


A: The learners will be enthralled as we engage them the real-world & industry Oriented projects during the training program. These projects will improve your skills & knowledge & you will gain a better experience. These real-time projects will help you a lot in your future tasks & assignments.

A: All participants who successfully complete the training programme, which consists of a variety of real-world projects, assignments, exams, & other tasks, will get certificates from RadiantTech. Once the course is completed, you would be assigned a project which you would have to submit in 2 weeks. Experts from Radiant Techlearning will evaluate the project using a variety of criteria. You must receive more than 60% of the points in order to be eligible for the verified certificate. You could only receive a Radiant certified certificate which participants can use for future employment after meeting these requirements. Participants will be awarded grades according to the following criteria:

  • 90% – 100% – AAA+
  • 80% – 90% – AA+
  • 70% – 80% – A+
  • 60% – 70% – A 

A: No. These training programs are helping to improve your skills & knowledge of the technology which would allow you to land your dream job by learning them. Our training program will maximize your ability & chances of getting a successful career. You have to select a job according to your convenience. Your performance in the training program & interview is crucial for getting a good job.


A: Yes, your employer can pay your fees.


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